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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Adoption Update - Hearing Back

I have an adoption update! I am not looking my best today but I wanted to share the feeling I had for getting to another stage in the process.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Make Your Own Curly Bow/Ribbon

Thank you all so much for tuning in for my first ribbon making video, it's been my most popular by a landslide! Here is another guide on how to make curly ribbons. It's not hard at all, but you do need Fabric Stiffener which has to sit overnight, so be prepared for that!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Adoption Vlog Part II

Wow I posted this up on YouTube and completely forgot to make a post about this video! If you saw my last Adoption Vlog, this is the continuation that I had to chop up due to the length. I primarily talk about subsidies and why you shouldn't be ashamed of them.

Have a new ribbon video that I'm editing as we speak, so check back soon! :)