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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Military Would Be Awesome Without the Wives...

Okay, I am tired and more than fed up with seeing Enlisted military spouses going around and acting like trash! I don't care who you are, if you're old enough to get married, you're old enough to at least pretend like you have some sense in your head.

Now, I recorded this when I was very angry, so there is an extreme amount of profanity, but I just can't take these little girls who are absolute idiots making military life intolerable!


  1. OH MY WORD!
    You are awesome!!
    I'm a Canadian military wife and it is no different here! I'm so done with military wives who insist on keeping their 16 year old mindset and trying to live on base. It's crazy to me that some wives believe that they can treat other women like they are still in high school. Who are these little girls to think that their behaviour and holier than thou attitude is acceptable not only on base but in life in general?!
    You just said everything I've experience over the course of the past 6 years and I'm done!


    I do have to say, and I know that you have touched on it in your video, I have met some very mature and amazing women. And it's unfortunate that the bad apples spoil it for the rest of us.
    Keep it up! :D

  2. Oh you poor thing! Six years?! I can't imagine what my nerves will be like at the end of my husband's six year contract. But, yes, for every one decent person I meet, there are at least a dozen awful ones in the military. I don't understand it, but I'm very, very tired of it all after just two years (and only five months living on post!).
